
Herbal Consultation- Sliding Scale Payment Option


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Do you want a customized herbal plan? Are you not sure which herbs or products are right for you? Let's chat!

Consultations are available in person at the moment (perhaps via Zoom in the future!).

In the consultation we will discuss your health from a holistic standpoint. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness are all taken equally into consideration. We will discuss your wellbeing along with systemic and societal issues that may be affecting you. This consultation may also include a tarot reading and "homework" journaling prompts if you so desire. I will work with each client in an intuitive way. This is NOT A HEALTH DIAGNOSIS or HEALTH TREATMENT/PRESCRIPTION consultation... instead it is a deep dive into where you are at in your life, and how we can best support you in this moment-- alongside your regular healthcare routine.



Consultations are between 1 and 2 hours... can also include a tour of my herb garden if you'd like :)


Included in price: 2-3 products- herbal tinctures, teas, elixirs, etc to suit your needs. Shipping not included in price.

Please choose the payment tier based on your financial situation <3

*I am not a doctor and do not make any health claims-- please consult your health care provider to discuss whether herbal supplements are right for you*

Sliding scale